1. Focus on the Customer Experience
We typically use a top-down approach to business process management, called value chain mapping. This allows companies to see processes across functional areas and business units to eliminate redundancies, improve the customer experience and generate ROI.
Amazon is a perfect example of improving the customer experience. Unfortunately, not every organization has as much to spend on technology as Amazon, but you can certainly look at them as a model.
2. Standardize Some of Your Processes
We typically use a top-down approach to business process management, called value chain mapping. This allows companies to see processes across functional areas and business units to eliminate redundancies, improve the customer experience and generate ROI.
Amazon is a perfect example of improving the customer experience. Unfortunately, not every organization has as much to spend on technology as Amazon, but you can certainly look at them as a model.
3. Define KPIs
From an operational standpoint, it’s critical to define project goals because you need some sort of success measurement, not only during implementation, but after you’ve gone live.
4. Move Beyond a Communications Plan
The way we look at change management is we meld the traditional approaches with modern times in order to enable the digital worker. A lot of traditional change management is about communicating with employees from across the organization throughout the project.
If we go to the next slide, you’ll see what our respondents did as it relates to organizational change management activities. You’ll see that communication plans are at the top.
Integrating people and processes is challenging and requires more than a communication plan. So, in addition to helping companies develop a communication plan, we help them conduct focus groups and business readiness assessments.
ERP implementations and business transformation initiatives fundamentally change an organization’s key processes and operations. As such, companies should develop a full change management plan that views change from different perspectives such as culture, structure, workflows, processes and digital awareness.
We had a client whose executives initially said, “We don’t meet change management. Please don’t mention change management activities.” Four years later, they’re behind in their implementation, so they decide to focus on change management.